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Sunday, March 15, 2009


Sorry about the lack of blogging lately.  I had a "show" Friday and Saturday and have been a bit overwhelmed all week.  Finally have a moment to stop and breathe today!  The show went really well.  It was actually "Amarillo's Largest Garage Sale" but so far its been the best I've been able to find locally that had reasonable booth rental fees.  I dunno if its bad taste or not to share your "numbers" but I'm excited so I'm going to!  We sold $441 worth of product!!!  I also handed out TONS of business cards and according to my Google Analytics people have actually been visiting.  Yay!  Now just to wait to see if they start buying...
I'm also participating in the 'Artfire Stimulus Package'.  I have some amazingly low prices on mouse pads and switch plates AND have taken half off on the shipping.  To find other sellers participating just search Artfire for 'Artfire Stimulus Package'.  I will try to keep 10 items in my Artfire Stimulus Package category for the entire month of March!  Here are some of my ASP items:


1 comment:

Brandy said...

Hey hey hey!

How is the stimulus sale working out for you? I hope it's going well!!